Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Durfee-Bender Wedding Plan

So to give you a more clearer picture of how our wedding is our minute-by-minute timeline. It really was not as hectic as it seems!

8:30AM SML Spa:

Hair: Betty McHale (Jeffrey’s Grandmother)

Sharon Bender (Jeffrey’s Mother)

Tomiko Anctil (Jessica’s Grandmother)

Lorraine Durfee (Jessica’s Mother)

9:00AM SML Spa

Hair: Bernadette Trenholm (Bridesmaid)

9:30AM SML Spa

Hair: Meredith Mills (Bridesmaid)

Amanda Pluta (Bridesmaid)

Make-up: Betty McHale

Sharon Bender

Tomiko Anctil

Lorraine Durfee

10:00AM SML Spa

Hair: Katelyn D’Eramo (Bridesmaid)

Elisa Johnson (Bridesmaid)

Make-up: Bernadette Trenholm

Summersweet to deliver and set up at Saint Andrews Church

Port lighting to arrive @SML for set up.

10:30AM SML Spa

Hair: Jessica Durfee (BRIDE)

Emily Durfee (MOH)

11:00AM SML Spa

Hair: Kristina Aufiero (Bridesmaid)

Robyn Blake ( Bridesmaid)

Make-up: Katelyn D’Eramo

Elisa Johnson

All Jessica’s Bridesmaids, Mom should be dressed

Jeff: To get dressed – photos with Mike

11:30AM SML Spa

Make-up: Jessica Durfee (Bride)

Emily Durfee (MOH)

Pre-Ceremony Photos with Jeff, Groomsmen & family.

Meet in SML Lobby

*Flowers to be in Lobby for Groom/Groomsmen, family

* Flowers for Bridal Party, Jessica’s dad, family delivered to suite


Jessica and Emily Dress - in Family Suite

Jessica’s family – Dad to be Dressed

Groom and Groomsmen to be in SML Lobby to leave for church

(*SUV LIMO – Groom and Groomsmen)

(Town Car for Sharon and Jeff Bender and Jeff’s Grandmothers – Betty McHale and Eugenia Bender)

Bridal Party pictures at SML – meet in Lobby

Jessica’s family leaves for Church

(Town Car for Clover Durfee, Paul and Tomiko Anctil)

(Town Car for Lorraine Durfee, John Durfee, and Debbie Phillips)


Groomsmen/Groom and family to arrive at Church

Guests /other family begin to arrive at Church

Groomsmen to act as ushers.


Musicians arrive/begin prelude music at St. Andrews

1:15 PM
Bridal Party and Jessica and Dad leave for Church

(Stretch Limo for Bridal Party)

(Town Car for Jessica and Dad- Lang Durfee)

Bridal Party Arrives at Church

Ceremony Begins

Trumpet Voluntary by Clarke

Jeff and Best Man – Sean Arroyo to take place up front

Parents & Grandparents Entrance Music: "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire" by Bach

Lorraine Durfee escorted by Matthew Durfee & Andrew Durfee

Sharon Bender escorted by Ralph Johnson followed by Jeff Bender Sr.

Tomiko Anctil escorted by Jonathan Dioli followed by Paul Anctil

Debby Phillips escorted by Jeff Duelks followed by John Durfee

Clover Durfee escorted by Andrew Durfee

Grandma B escorted by Dylan Oteri

Grandma M escorted by Sean McManus

Bridal Party Entrance Music: "Canon in D Major" by Pachelbel

Katelyn D’Eramo (Far End)

Robyn Blake

Bernadette Trenholm

Elisa Johnson

Meredith Mills

Amanda Pluta

Kristina Aufiero (closest to Bride)

MOH: Emily Durfee

Bride’s Entrance Music: “Bridal March” by Wagner

Bride escorted by father

First Reading:

Margaret Berkley Hedden

Responsorial Hymn:

Song by Victoria - Path of life

Second Reading:

Mary-Jeanne Taylor

Gospel Reading:

Father Lance

Lord Hear our Prayers:

Emily, Andrew, Matthew, & Elisa

Lighting of Unity Candle:

Lorraine & Sharon light tapers

Light music will be playing in the background.

Presentation of Gifts:

Lorraine/Lang & Sharon/Jeff will bring them up.

Wherever You Go by David Haas


In Love we choose to Live by David Haas

Meditation after Communion:

Ave Maria

Recessional Music: “Wedding March” Mendlessohn

Jeff & Jess will walk to the end but remain inside and wait till everyone else is


Bridal Party will then proceed out and then form two lines for Jeff & Jess to walk

through. (top of church stairs)

1. Emily (MOH) - Sean Arroyo (best man)

2. Kristina Aufiero - Sean McManus

3. Amanda Pluta - Matthew Durfee

4. Meredith Mills - Andrew Durfee

5. Elisa Johnson - Ralph Johnson

6. Bernadette Trenholm - Dylan Oteri

7. Katelyn D'Eramo - Jonathan Dioli

8. Robyn Blake - Jeff Duelks

Jeff & Jess then will proceed out of the church and guest will blow bubbles- prime

photo op.

Depart Church for SML Formals

(Everyone back in same vehicles, except Lang to ride with Lorraine and

family 4th in vehicle. One passenger in front)

All hired vehicles arrive back at SML for Formals.

Formal pictures in SML Lobby with family – elderly guests.

Pictures with bridal party (can use lobby – spruce camp. Not the golf course

with entire party).

Golf cart will be waiting for Jess and Jeff to go to golf course for photos.

4:00 PM

Supersounds arrives - Time tbd - Corey

Vermont Cake Studio to deliver the cake. VT cake Studio supplying cake



Cocktail Hour begins

Pool side @SML

Rain Plan - Lobby

Cocktail Music provided by Tom Cleary

(will need to provide keyboard)

* Tom will need power out in the pool courtyard.


Guests directed to Ballroom for reception – asked to be seated

Champagne passed as guests enter room

Bread already on tables

{Parents, Bridal party and B&G to remain in hallway}


Bridal Party announced into the Reception as follows:

Parents announced: {Parents of the Groom } Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bender

{Parents of the Bride} Mr. and Mrs. Lang Durfee

Bridal Party announced:

Mrs. Robyn Blake and Mr. Jeff Duelks

Ms. Katelyn D’Eramo and Mr. Jonathan Dioli

Ms. Bernadette Trenholm and Mr. Dylan Oteri

Mrs. Elisa Johnson and Mr. Ralph Johnson

Ms. Meredith Mills and Mr. Andrew Durfee

Ms. Amanda Pluta and Mr. Matthew Durfee

Ms. Kristina Aufiero and Mr. Sean McManus

MOH, Ms. Emily Durfee and Best Man, Mr. Sean Arroyo

Bride and Groom announced:

“For the first time please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bender.”


First Dance – Jessica and Jeffrey - "Your Everything" - Keith Urban


Blessing by Father Lance


Welcome toast by Lang Durfee {Father of the Bride}


First Course – Tomato Bisque Soup with Pesto Melted Cheese Crostini


Best Man Toast – Sean Arroyo

Maid of Honor Toast – Emily Durfee


Salad Course – Simply Green with Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette, Candied

Walnuts, Dried Cranberry and Cheddar wedge.


Mr. Jeffrey Bender to speak {Groom}*

Announcing Emily Durfee’s Birthday – Birthday cake to be presented with gift

from Jessica and Jeffrey.

DJ To play happy birthday.


Entrees Served – Split plate of Wood Creek Farm Steak with Maple Black

Pepper Jus and Jonah Crab cake with Basil Aioli


Dessert – Panna Cotta and Coffee Service


Traditional Cake Cutting - Jessica and Jeff

Then *Surprise* - presentation of three cakes

(1-Benders, 1-Durfee’s 1- Grandparents) DJ asks all three couples to come

up to cut their cakes.

*Bridal cake to be served to each place setting.

*Other cakes (all 4 to be saved and presented to guests at end of reception)


Surprise – First Dance Anniversary Montage compiled for the parents

and grandparents, played by DJ


Bridal Party Dance {guests asked to join ½ way through song}. - "You &



Father – Daughter dance - "Daddy Let's Dance" - Jamie Tate


Mother – Son dance - "Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong


Late night snacks out –

passed warm cookies and milk shooters – carrie will supply wood trays

trimmed with pink ribbon for cookies.

flatbreads - Display


Bridal Toss (2nd bouquet to toss) and Garter removal


End Reception – Bars Close

(NOTE: CHECK WITH LANG DURFEE AT 9:45 about keeping the dancing going for another hour or ½ hour). ...Sidenote- our reception went to 11!

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