Monday, April 12, 2010

One Last Weekend :(

This past weekend Jeff & I were able to see each other one last time before a week before the wedding...

I flew out to Kentucky Thursday evening, and had to come back Sunday night because of Jeff's training schedule :( Short trip but well worth it! I always have so much fun when I go to Kentucky, I don't know if it's because I love the South, or because of the company :) (obviously the company!)

This trip we were able to make it to the Mammoth Caves in Western Kentucky. The first time I went out to Kentucky we attempted to go, however a huge accident on the interstate, and sitting in stand-still traffic for 4 hours, made us miss our tour....but anyways. It was kind of a long drive, and we crossed into the Central timezone, but it was a beautiful day, and it was nice to see more of the state! Kentucky really has some beautiful sights. Anyways, back to Mammoth Caves. Mammoth Caves is part of Mammoth National Park, home of the 'longest' caverns known in the world. We both had really wanted to go and see it, and with the excitement, I guess I didn't really think about what it really entailed...walking down into the cold atmosphere I became a little frightened....but all in all it was amazing to see, and I'm so glad I got to see it with Jeff <3>

The rest of the weekend was perfect. It was so nice to go out on dates with Jeff. It's funny how little things like 'going on a date to the movies' seemed so routine and we used to take it for granted, but now its a very special occasion! Since we have limited time together, we really appreciate every second we have together and don't take anything for granted. Like they always say, "distance makes the heart grow fonder." I can definitely say from experience our love has become more intense from this past year, if that was even possible.

I really don't think that anyone can comprehend how excited I am for June's not that normal excitement that everyyy bride gets before her big day, this excitement is much much more. Words can not express the thought of June 5th coming, and all that is to come!

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