Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Fabulous Bachelorette Weekend!

With every engagement usually comes three major events...The Bridal Shower, the Bachelorette, and then the WEDDING! I had my major #2 event a couple weekends ago! Crazy to think my next major event is my Wedding!!!!! :)

Anyways, my bridesmaids planned an amazing, fun-packed weekend to celebrate me, my upcoming nuptials, and also one of my last weekends of being "Single"!

They kicked off the weekend with a lovely dinner at my apartment, just the bridesmaids and me! It was so nice to just have some quality time with them to just relax, catch up and just have fun. Katelyn made her famous chicken parm, Tina brought our favorite college snack- cheesy bread, and Meredith brought some Bubble Gum Vodka!

Saturday morning the bridesmaids "surprised" me and we went out to a really nice brunch at Aquitaine in Chestnut Hill. What was special about it was my Mom came with us! The food was amazing and the company was even more amazing!

Saturday afternoon I spent some time in Boston with my parents (They were in the area for a wedding) while the bridesmaids set up! Later in the afternoon I returned to my apartment to find it pink, sparkly, and glam! I loved it. It was fun getting ready all together. My fabulous little, Amanda, was so gracious to do my hair. I told her I wanted, big pageant hair to go along with my "bachelorette tiara!" One of my most favorite details of the entire weekend was they had matching shirts made. My shirt was white and said, "The Future Mrs. Bender" and on the back it said Bride, June 5th, 2010. All the bridesmaids shirts were pink and on the back said "Bridesmaid, June 5th, 2010." And all the guests shirts were black! It was suchh an adorable idea. I really felt united as a group- and when we went out people knew exactly what we were celebrating and that we were all together. What made me the most happiest was seeing all my girlfriends wearing the shirts, seeing my name, and seeing my wedding date. It was so surreal. And it was such a good feeling knowing that all of my true friends were there to celebrate me. I really am soo lucky to have such a great group of girls!

All my guests started arriving around 6pm and we ate, we drank, we danced, and we had fun! A little after 8:30 my chariot arrived. The Party Bus. My most favorite moments were on the party bus. It was so much fun to just dance and party with all my favorite ladies. No boys! Tina- the DJ- made sure the beats were fresh and the party was hopping! Haha. We made a few stops at a few bars in Boston, where a scavenger hunt went on. Nothing bad, just fun, innocent things!

Overall the night was awesome. It was SO much fun. Even though we knew that this wasn't only my bachelorette, it was also the last time we would ALL go out together in Boston for a long, long time, we didn't let that dampen our spirits. Our spirits were high and we celebrated like there was no tomorrow!

Looking back, the memory that is the most vivid for me, was the end of the night. We had just had such an amazing night, we were all together on the bus, and Tina puts on Heaven. It brings me to tears thinking about that moment. When you graduate college, you really find out who your true friends are. The friends who are truly happy for you, who are always by your side, and only wish the best for you. Those friends were surrounded around me singing Heaven. <3

Thank you to all those who came, thank you for making it a memorable night that I will never forget. And a special thank you to all my bridesmaids. I loved every second of that weekend, love you girls <3

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