Monday, May 31, 2010

The Final Countdown!

So I know its been a few weeks since the last time I've posted...that is due to the fact that I've been EXTREMELY busy. In a nutshell this has been my life for the past two weeks:

1. Tied up lose ends at my job, my last day was the 20th.
2. Moved 99.9% out of my apartment in Waltham and to Bethel!
3. Organized all my life, i.e. getting ready for Robyn's wedding, getting ready for my own wedding, getting ready for the move to Georgia, and getting ready for the mini-moon!
4. Attended my Big, Robyn's, wedding! And was a bridesmaid and by her side as she became a wife!!
5. 100% moved out of my apartment, cleaned it, and headed to VT!

So basically I've moved once, going to be moving again, was a bridesmaid, and now soon-to-be a bride! Yeah...I want someone to live a day in my shoes and go through ALL that stress-free and with a smile on your face! :)

When people ask me if I'm stressed, anxious, nervous etc., my response is no! In regards to the wedding I've had no stress, its been a piece of cake! Mostly due to the part that everything is all set! (And we have Carrie my wedding planner!!) The only stress and anxiety I've felt is all the moving. Its stressful! Packing especially. When packing I basically made 6 piles of stuff. 1. Things I need for Robyn's wedding; 2. Things I need for my own wedding; 3. Things I need to survive for the past two weeks, such as toiletries and clothes; 4. Things for the mini-moon 5. Things I need to bring with me to Georgia; 6. Things that I can survive without for a month until the movers come and get the rest of our stuff.

Today Jeff and I completely moved me out of my apartment, left the keys and said bye to Waltham and my first home :( It was such a weird feeling. I've lived in Waltham for the past 6 years, crazy to think about! However, we then headed into Boston to pick up my DRESS and all my other bridal goodies! So that excitement seemed to over-power any hint of sadness.

Now we have a full week planned of fun stuff, and oh yeah...WE ARE GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND! T-5 DAYS!!!

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