Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sweetheart vs. Head Table

I was having an internal debate for months over the layout of my reception room. In more specific...the seating of the bridal party and Jeff & I. I thought I've always wanted a 'head' table vs. a 'sweetheart' table.

I've always envisioned a head table, mostly because I wanted to include all the 'old' traditions of a wedding, and a head table is definitely one of them! However, there were two huge issues with having a head table. 1. My bridal party is huge (18 people including Jeff & me) and 2. I did not want to separate the bridal party and their dates. Carrie was a sport and designed a few options for achieving my 'head table' look, but it wouldn't include their dates. If we were to include them we would need a huge table that sat 24 people......yeah....I felt that would look so obnoxious.

After a lot of thought and discussion we went with the sweetheart table! We all realized it would be nice to just have a table to ourselves so we can enjoy our meal together (if we have time to eat!) and just have a moment of 'peace.' Carrie also made a really good point...we're probably not going to be sitting there that much anyways...So then we designated THREE whole tables to seat the bridal party, dates and all!

So a cute little table for 2 just for my hubby & I :)

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