Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Final Post...

So this is going to be my final post until after the wedding!

We are heading up to Stowe tomorrow morning to just relax before all the craziness starts!

The car is packed and were all ready to go!

We met with Fr. Lance today to just go over a few things. And he later sent me an email saying "Jeff is God's gift to you, and you to him" And I couldn't agree more :)

So to all my guests, please travel safe and I can not wait to see each and every one of you!

Love, Jessica Durfee soon to be Jessica Bender in less then 3 days!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's Now Legal!

Well we can 'legally' get married in the great state of Vermont! Yay! This morning Jeff and I went to the town office to sign our marriage license! So exciting!

We also stopped by to see Kep, our florist, who was actually sitting down with his helpers going over the to-do list for my wedding! He showed me his hugeeee cooler that was filleddddd with many different shades of pink! It was like my own personal heaven :) Can't wait to see it all put together in FOUR days!!!!